Free Beginner Lessons
Check out our YouTube lesson videos!
Can't Help Falling in Love With YouBasic chords C, Am, F, G7, G, Em
Happy Birthday SongBasic Chord C, F, and G7
It's a Small WorldBasic Chords C, F, G7
"It's a Small World" - Extended VersionEasy Chords: C, F, G7
RiptideEasy Chords: C, Am, F, G |
Intro Beginner Lesson
We are proud to provide you with a free video version of our daily beginner lessons that we offer in-store! This is the same video on the DVD of our book that we include in our beginner set entitled Let's Play ʻUkulele! Feel free to watch it as many times as needed to get the hang of it, and congratulations on starting your musical journey with us and our favorite instrument: the ʻukulele!
*We have more videos coming up for you to learn and practice, so let us know which songs you'd like us to cover and teach!